Local sources of revenue generated 43.42% of all sources of revenue and decreased by 1% from the previous fiscal year due to a tax rate decrease required by House Bill 3. Local revenues include property taxes, earnings on investments, and tuition and fees; nearly all of local revenues come from the collection of property taxes –what you, as a citizen, pay for educating our students.
Financial Resources
How Is The Money Spent?
Costs of $262.4 million include the gross salaries or wages and benefit costs for employee services.
Professional and Contracted Services
Costs of $23.6 million were used for services rendered by firms, individuals, utility companies, and/or other organizations.
Supplies and Materials
Cost of $11.3 million include testing materials, fuel to transport children, and other general supplies and materials.
Debt Service
Costs of $450,942 was for principal and interest payments related to a capital lease obligation.
Capital Outlay
Costs of $560,593 was spent on building improvements, furniture, and other equipment.
Other Operating Costs
Costs of $7.4 million include student and staff travel fees, and property insurance.
2022-23 Financial Summary
General Fund, Child Nutrition, Debt Service Fund, Special Revenue and Capital Projects
Property taxes | 225,558,880 | 41.9% | 7,574 |
Tuition and fees | 150,396 | 0.0% | 5 |
Earnings on investments | 11,602,165 | 2.2% | 390 |
Food sales | 1,234,610 | 0.2% | 41 |
Other local | 5,301,584 | 1.0% | 178 |
Total Local Revenues | 243,847,635 | 45.3% | 8,188 |
Total State Revenue | 177,162,764 | 32.9% | 6,181 |
Total Federal Revenues | 118,228,822 | 21.9% | 4,125 |
Total Revenues | $ 539,239,221 | 100.0% | $18,813.73 |
Instruction | 250,725,039 | 46.9% | 8,419 |
Instr. resources & media services | 4,458,582 | 0.8% | 150 |
Curriculum and staff development | 18,189,214 | 3.4% | 611 |
Instructional leadership | 11,996,355 | 2.2% | 403 |
School leadership | 27,909,210 | 5.2% | 937 |
Guidance and couseling services | 18,356,723 | 3.4% | 616 |
Social work services | 518,036 | 0.1% | 17 |
Health services | 3,094,259 | 0.6% | 104 |
Student (pupil) transportation | 17,180,452 | 3.2% | 577 |
Child nutrition services | 26,605,322 | 5.0% | 893 |
Co-curricular activities | 7,523,059 | 1.4% | 253 |
General administration | 13,815,864 | 2.6% | 464 |
Plant maintenance and operations | 33,761,319 | 6.3% | 1,134 |
Security and monitoring services | 7,388,906 | 1.4% | 248 |
Data processing | 12,403,556 | 2.3% | 416 |
Community services | 1,587,522 | 0.3% | 53 |
Debt service | 69,174,210 | 12.9% | 2,323 |
Captial outlay | 7,089,030 | 1.3% | 238 |
Intergovernmental charges | 2,976,710 | 0.6% | 100 |
Total Expenditures | $534,753,368 | 100.% | $18,657.22 |
Net Change in Fund Balances | 4,485,853 | 157 |
Total Full Time Equivalent (FTE) Positions 5,047
Spring ISD does not receive sales tax revenue.