About McNabb
Ginger McNabb shared her love of students, her talent for teaching, and her ability to lead with several campuses in Spring ISD before her life was cut short by cancer in 1996. Ginger taught at Bammel and Winship Elementary schools from 1980 to 1986. She served as assistant principal at Hirsch Elementary from 1986 to 1992 and as assistant principal at Dueitt Middle School from 1992 to 1996. McNabb was highly respected for her leadership skills, instructional strengths, respectful attitude and selflessness. McNabb always made the school and the school community a high priority, and she actively involved her husband, Sandy, and her two daughters, Brittany and Steffany, also. Spring ISD benefited from the talents, energy, and resources of the entire family. It is an honor to carry the name of Ginger McNabb for elementary number twenty in Spring ISD. The school will continue to foster the love and dedication of educating children that Ginger modeled.
Spring ISD Vision
Spring Independent School District is a district of choice for high quality academics with innovative and specialized programs that meet the needs of all students in a positive learning environment.
McNabb Elementary Mission Statement
The mission of McNabb Elementary School is to develop self-directed learners, effective communicators, critical thinkers, and productive citizens in the classroom as well as society.
Campus Beliefs
At McNabb Elementary School, we believe
All children can learn no matter what labels are placed upon them.
Building the self-esteem of students is key in helping them believe they are capable of learning and in motivating them to try.
Students take risks when in a climate of mutual respect. Mistakes are seen as opportunities to learn and efforts are appreciated.
Teachers hold high expectations and students respond by reaching upward to achieve them.
Teachers who have positive attitudes possess the influence necessary to shape the attitudes of students.
The teacher must be knowledgeable and skillful in learning theory and teaching methods so that students can achieve academic and social success.